5/18/2020 0 Comments Acne Rosacea ReliefIn 2002 when Revenir Skincare was introduced in the USA there were very few professionals who understood the power of HOCL. Dr. Frank Ervolino was one of the first educators who helped patients understand the benefits of using 100% HOCL made with the Revenir technology for dealing with various skin conditions. In this video, he talks about his patient's experience in dealing with Acne Rosacea. It is good to see more people are discovering the amazing benefits as reported on this support forum.
https://rosaceagroup.org/The_Rosacea_Forum/showthread.php?38853-Why-does-no-one-know-about-hypochlorous-acid FDA Disclaimer. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. *Consult your physician regarding your specific condition.
The chemical process of electrolysis breaks down the molecular structure of water or other electrolytes by separating negative ions and creating minute particles that can penetrate the skin’s barrier. The 100% HOCL created by the electrolysis process provides hydration and disinfection to the deepest levels of the skin. It was first used on over 22,000 patients at the Akashi Clinic, a renowned medical facility in Japan, as part of a holistic regimen for patients with severe eczema. The study showed a significant improvement rate with no side effects. The therapy results were so successful that the Akashi Clinic has continued this treatment method utilizing HOCL. The findings of the Akashi Clinic led to the invention of this Patented technology, a portable hand-held unit that delivers low pH acidic water in a fine-mist spray with the touch of a button. HOCL has been used in the treatment of skin conditions including psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, dry skin, sunburn, athlete’s foot, and diaper rash. It also acts as an astringent by tightening the skin and improving its barrier function. This low pH acidic water is perfect for cleansing, while the active ingredient can kill bacteria on contact. It has been used worldwide for disinfection purposes in many industries including medical, dental, agricultural – and skincare. This recent study on acne yielded impressive results – 80% of participants gave good or excellent ratings to the technology. Topical acne medications are often too harsh for patients and lead to increasing reliance, and resistance to antibiotics is becoming an increasing concern. Each study participant used only Dove soap to cleanse his or her face and used the HOCL mist on only one-half of the face. There was a consistent reduction in total lesion count in the HOCL-treated side. Forty-nine percent of inflammatory lesions on the HOCL-treated side of the face were reduced, compared with 10 percent on the untreated side. None of the study participants stopped treatment due to side effects, and all side-effects or irritation experienced were completely resolved by week two of the study. The solution is also a cost-effective acne therapy. In 2001, 40 percent of study participants spent an average of $293 on topical acne treatments with 20 percent spending $813 on medications. This study concludes: “The technology is most effective in combating inflammatory acne and, therefore, a possible alternative would be to replace oral/topical antibiotics in the management of this condition.” Further, the study states that other advantages of this Skincare System include, “short duration of therapy (eight weeks), good patient compliance, and lack of antibiotic resistance.” This study, entitled “The Efficacy and Tolerability of Electrolyzed Oxidized Water in Treating Mild to Moderate Acne,” was conducted at the Coast Dermatology Clinic in Torrance, California by Dr. Alpesh Desai, a Dermatologist, and Clinical Researcher. The study was published in the February 2004 issue of Cosmetic Dermatology. HOCL mist delivered through this patented electrolysis technology is now clinically proven to be a safe, gentle, and successful alternative treatment to traditional acne medications and antibiotics. Adding electrolyzed water HOCL to your daily routine is a totally new realm of anti-microbial and hydrating solutions delivering clinical results. Learn more about Revenir Skincare System Auto Ship Promo. 5/1/2020 0 Comments It's Time to Celebrate!Have you lost track of days during this lockdown? It’s so easy to do as one day rolls into the next! We wanted to remind you that a very important date is coming up soon that you can’t let roll by! Just a heads up as action required now if you want to be ready.
I am talking about Mother’s Day on May 10th. Mothers are the rock stars of the family and they need to be celebrated. Moms everywhere need to prepare for their grand entrance back to social circles, so helping her to get her skin in glowing condition will be a wonderful gift at this time. Revenir skincare’s hydrating and antioxidant benefits will help turn back the hands of time and ensure your Mother’s skin looks Amazing when you finally take her out to celebrate at Sunday brunch. Our clinical studies are posted on our website but sometimes we need to hear trusted feedback on a product, so we hope you take a moment to listen to one of our Licensed professionals who has had first-hand experience with the Revenir technology herself and has educated many clients who are using the technology. Lisa Eddy offers a valuable Skincare consultation to help custom design your skincare routine based on your specific needs. Revenir Skincare wants to help celebrate our Mothers with a special gift just for you, all Revenir Skincare System Auto Ship Promo ordered in May will receive a soft microfiber spa robe with terry cotton lining and embroidered “R” logo for you to pamper yourself at home ($85 value). A very special Thank You to all the Moms out there. We look forward to celebrating you all month long! Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your experience about Revenir Skincare wishing you continued success! Lisa Eddy has always been propelled by whole-body wellness. She grew up dancing and immediately discovered that being connected to her body through movement was an essential part of her own vitality. Years before health and wellness became the popular mainstay that it is today, Lisa understood what true health and beauty was about: balance, self-love, and feeling connected to your own inner spiritual being. Committed to learning more about true health and wellness, she hired a personal trainer and nutritionist (close to 30 years ago) and spent years developing her own spiritual practice, becoming a trained Reiki healer, massage therapist, breath work coach, and Feel Good Life Practitioner. In addition to cultivating a spiritual healing practice, Lisa has close to 25 years of experience as a skincare professional. Not only is she a skilled esthetician, but she is also a respected skincare educator and has spent years working skincare trade shows both domestically and internationally. After helping thousands of women to radiate their true inner and outer beauty, Lisa has put all of her magical training and tools into helping female entrepreneurs shine through their skin: in person, on camera, and on stage. Website: www.lisaeddy.com IG: @iamlisaeddy FB & YouTube: shine on camera |
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